Web Witch Weekly: Issue 19

So, you want to push a web platform feature, the developer desire to override basic computing controls, speculating on funding open source, a website that's been gaslighting you, giant spires that once dominated earth's landscape, and more!

Hi friends and welcome to issue 19 of Web Witch Weekly. I hope you’re starting to get back into the swing of things in the new year and you have a relaxing weekend ahead. I’m ready to get cosy and dive into the newly released Onyx Storm book (book 3 of a romantasy series). My half-written articles for my tech blog are giving me strong side eye at those weekend plans. Onto this week’s links!

On the Web, About the Web

So, you want to push a web platform feature?
An insightful post from Yoav Weiss about how and why you might want to get involved in contributing to the web platform.

Why some DVLA digital services don’t work at night
A look at why the UK’s DVLA digital services don’t work at night, touching on the challenge of migrating legacy code to modern systems.

Consistency For Who? Thoughts on Overriding Basic Computing Controls
Jim Nielsen explores our desire to change the styling of system level controls like radio buttons and select.

🔊 Hey, Listen!

Shop Talk: Speculating on Funding Open Source
A hot topic, or perhaps a hot topic to me because I’ve given a talk on browser funding. Chris and Dave speculate on the ways a project like void(0) could make money.

Tutorials & Tools

My website has been gaslighting you
A brilliant post by Dave Rupert about the subtle shift in color that his website has been making for months, and how he did it.

Implementing light-dark()
Trys Mudford gives the new light-dark() function, newly available in Baseline, a go on their website.

How to Build a Web Performance Watchdog Agent with Agent.ai
An in-depth tutorial about how to build a performance report with AI and Lighthouse.

ARIA DevTools Chrome Extension
This Chrome extension helps you spot missing ARIA labels, misused ARIA roles, and incomplete keyboard support in your web applications.

Book Highlight of the Week

Outside the Web (Exploring Outside Our Bubble)

Leonardo da Vinci Described Secret Passages in Sforza Castle. High-Tech Analysis Just Proved Him Right
I love an archaeology discovery of something right under our noses.

Giant, Mysterious Spires Ruled the Earth Long Before Trees Did. What Exactly Are These Odd-Looking Fossils?
Like something out of a sci-fi novel, Prototaxites dominated the earth’s landscape at one point.

Farewell to Smithfield – how past, present, commerce and culture collide in London’s 900-year-old meat market
Saying goodbye to a piece of living history in London and hopes for what this will mean for the area.

New to the newsletter this week: Non-technical book recommendation of the week

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown
A realistic but low fantasy novel about books that grant the holder a specific power and in some cases, that power corrupts. This was a delightful read outside the normal type of fantasy book I’m drawn to reading. It contained some lovely twists and turns. It was a beautiful book to start the year with.

The Web Witch (Stephanie)

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