Web Witch Weekly: Issue 20

The vertical bar is the best HTML page title separator, sections without accessible names are nothing but divs, use CSS nesting with caution, how Balto stole the limelight from the original sled dog lead, and more!

Hi friends and welcome to issue 20 of Web Witch Weekly. January has once again been the longest month, and while I feel like I haven’t left the house for much, it feels like a lot has been happening everywhere. Be sure to take care of yourself and your mental health and log off if you need to. Now for this week’s links!

On the Web, About the Web

The vertical bar (|) is the best HTML page title separator
A brief look at different ways to separate a page title and why the vertical bar is the clear winner.

Intent to ship: customizable select
Just over 5 years ago I started working with Greg Whitworth at Microsoft to evangelize why we need customizable select. The intent to ship in Chromium has landed.

A "section" without an accessible name is nothing but a "div"
I’ve already used this in a project this week. I’ve been overlooking labeling HTML sections forever.

CSS nesting: use with caution
Andy takes us through why CSS nesting potentially makes code hard to read for junior developers.

🔊 Hey, Listen!

Tutorials & Tools

Easing Wizard
CSS easing functions made easy

Building a QR Code HTML Web Component
Scott Jehl takes us through how he’d make a QR code web component.

Book (Deal) of the Week

Don’t miss this sale on Manning.com, through January 31st! Buy any two items, get 40% off.

Outside the Web (Exploring Outside Our Bubble)

This Heroic Dog Raced Across the Frozen Alaskan Wilderness to Deliver Life-Saving Medicine—but His Contributions Were Long Overlooked
It seems beloved dog Balto stole the limelight from lead sled dog Togo.

A $1 Million Reward Awaits Anyone Who Can Crack the Ancient Indus Script
Pictorial symbols found across thousands of archeological relics remain undeciphered.

The Twisted History Behind Medieval Torture Museums
Dark tourism has led to a rise of torture museums. But are they even historically accurate?

Non-technical book recommendation of the week

A fascinating look at cults modern and old, and the language and personalities that call on our innate feeling to belong.

The Web Witch (Stephanie)

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